I Work In Helsinki Finland And Haugesund In Norway Central
Helsinki (FIN)
Providental Hammaslääkärit, Helsinki, Finland
One Stop Dental Care
At Providental, I have all the modern technologies including digital scanning, Human Autogenous Growth Factor (HGF) therapies and a great team to bring out the most amazing outcomes.
In Haugesund I Can Offer All Specialist Dental Treatments And Also Through My Norwegian Colleagues, All General Dental Treatments As Well. I Work With Dr. Ulrich Bier And His Team. Together We Do The Most Amazing Transformations.
I have the latest technology available including digital scanning, Human Growth Factor (HGF) techniques and also a great team to perform world class dentistry
Sleep Apnoea Surgical Correction And Facial Aesthetic Surgery
Professor HF Sailer is one of the most knowledgeable people in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery and plastic surgery. I operate with Professor Sailer and it has been a privilleage.